M46 M47 Pupis


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Scope: ST80 f/2.5 Location: Del Mar CA 9 Feb. 2004 Camera: ToUcam SC3

Exposure: 16 x 15 sec Luminance with BaaderIR Block and Orion Skyglo Filters; 15 x 10 sec RGB - 4 frame mosaic

Processing: All exposures captured and in K3CCDTools. Alignment and stacking was done with Registax and saved as FITs. Each exposure set after stacking was co-registered in Astroart; some low pass filtering was applied. Final LRGB combine was done in Photoshop using Luminance Layering (or LLRGB). Color balance and mosaic joining was done in Photoshop.

This mosaic image was a fun effort. The exposures themselves were unguided and there was no difficulty with tracking given the relatively large FOV and short exposures. I found this an interesting exercise as a survey of objects in a given area of the sky. Other images on this page provide more detailed views of some of the objects. Horizontal FOV is about 160'.


      M46 in Puppis


Scope: C8 f/2.8 Location: Del Mar CA 10 Feb. 2004 Camera: ToUcam SC3

Exposure: 20 x 25 sec Luminance Exposure with IR Block and Orion Skyglo filters. 12 x 18 sec RGB Exposures.

Processing: Images were captured in K3CCDTools. Aligned/stacked in Registax and saved as FITS. Luminance and Color master frames were co-registered in Astroart. Luminance and Color FITS were combined in Photoshop with Luminance Layering. Color balancing and final touches in Photoshop.

This was a guided exposure. You can really start to see more detail on the Planetary Nebula NGC2438 a little to the North and West of center. This was my first guided image with the Meade f/3.3 reducer / corrector. Horizontal FOV is about 30'

     M47 in Puppis

Scope: C8 f/2.8 Location: Del Mar CA, 1 Feb. 2004, Camera: ToUcam SC3

Exposure: 16 x 15 sec Luminance Exposure with IR Block and Orion Skyglo filters and 15 x 5 sec Luminance with IR Block only. 16 x 2 sec RGB Exposures.

Processing: Images were captured in K3CCDTools. Aligned/stacked in Registax and saved as FITS. Luminance and Color master frames were co-registered in Astroart. Luminance and Color FITS were combined in Photoshop with Luminance Layering. Color balancing and final touches in Photoshop.

This was an unguided exposure. M47 is an interesting comparison to the nearby M46 cluster. M47 has several bright and dominant stars while M46 has a more rich field of smaller stars. This was my first image with the Meade f/3.3 reducer / corrector. Horizontal FOV is about 30'

     NCG2423 in Puppis

Scope: C8 f/2.8 Location: Del Mar, CA 10 Feb. 2004, Camera: ToUcam SC3

Exposure: 20 x 24 sec Luminance Exposure with IR Block and Orion Skyglo filters. 12 x 18 sec RGB Exposures.

Processing: Images were captured in K3CCDTools. Aligned/stacked in Registax and saved as FITS. Luminance and Color master frames were co-registered in Astroart. Luminance and Color FITS were combined in Photoshop with Luminance Layering. Color balancing and final touches in Photoshop.

This is a guided image with the Meade f/3.3 reducer / corrector. The image was made the same night of the M46 image. Where M46 and M47 are stark contrasts in field richness and dominant stars, NGC2423 is somewhat in between these two extremes of bright stars and field richness. Horizontal FOV is about 30'

     NGC2438 in Puppis

Scope: C8 f/10 (Cass Focus) Location: Del Mar CA, 16 Feb. 2004, Camera: ToUcam SC3

Exposure: 32 x 60 sec Luminance Exposure with IR Block. No RGB Exposures.

Processing: Luminance images were captured in K3CCDTools. Aligned/stacked in Registax and saved as FITS. Conditions were poor with clouds coming in so RGB data was taken from the M46 RGB exposures scaled to the Luminance FOV. Luminance and the borrowed Color master frames were co-registered in Astroart. Luminance and Color FITS were combined in Photoshop with Luminance Layering. Color balancing and final touches in Photoshop.

This was a guided exposure. The color resolution is not very strong in this image, but given the observing limitations the results are still worth posting. Horizontal FOV is about 7'


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