Emission Nebula IC410


Scope: ST80 f/2.5; Location: Del Mar CA; 27 Mar. 2004 and Dos Picos Park, Ramona 10, Apr 2004; Camera: ToUcam SC3. (The 12 sec IR and 180 sec H-Alpha exposures were made in the Dos Picos dark site.)

Exposure: 20 x 4 sec and 16 x 12 sec Luminance exposures with Baader IR Block Filter; 20 x 12 sec IR Block with Orion Skyglo Filters, 15 x 60 sec and 8 x 180 sec H-Alpha exposure, 15 x 8 sec RGB 

Processing: All exposures captured in K3CCDTools. Alignment and stacking was done with Registax and saved as FITs. HA, and LRGB channels were co-registered in Astroart. Artificial flat fielding of each channel was done in Astroart as well as final scaling and rough color balance. HA and IR were combined for Luminance. HA and Red combined for red. These combinations were done in Photoshop. Final LRGB combine was done in Photoshop using Luminance Layering (or LLRGB). Color balance was done in Photoshop. SGBNR was used for background noise reduction

This is a guided image. It replaces an earlier image that can be seen in the Archives here. Horizontal FOV is 80'


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